Original post date February 9, 2021
PawTree CBD Bone

Why it’s taken me so long to get one of these for Penelope is beyond me. She goes bananas over anything she’s allowed to chew on and she’s a prime candidate for anything CBD related. Her daily dose of the Chillax Hemp and CBD chews is absolutely necessary and boy do they help her, however, THIS! It’s coated in CBD and is the perfect occupier toy for my little power chewer. After I took the above picture of her brand new toy, she took it and ran to her bed for some serious bone chewing. She carried it around for a bit, showing it off of course, while looking for other comfy spots to sit and chew. Then, she took a nap!

I know when she favors a specific bone or toy because she always has to pace the house (bone or toy in mouth) to find the perfect hiding place for it when she’s done. Tonight when getting into bed, I discovered her new bone hidden precisely under my pillow. I don’t know if she’s just discovered a new spot to hide her bone (she knows no bones allowed on mommy’s bed) or if she’s possibly sharing it with me? Either way it melted my heart and made me smile!
You can get your very own CBD bone for your pup here