Original post date March 10, 2021

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What You Need
Peanut Butter (Xylitol Free)
Coconut Oil
1 Banana
Silicone Trays like these (optional)
What To Do
Mix and Mash together:
1 Large Scoop of Peanut Butter
1 Equally Large Scoop of Coconut Oil
1 Banana
(Banana chunks ok, just mix it all together)
Scoop your portions into the silicone trays. If you’re not using silicone trays, you can just spoon out your desired treat size onto wax paper or something similar. (I don’t think the pups care how cute the treats are). Then stick them in the freezer.
Once treats are frozen, put them in a sealed container and keep them in the freezer. They do melt pretty quick.